Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Leadership is an Art - Intimacy

The book Leadership is an Art by Max De Pree, is the single book that has had profound influence on my leadership style. I'm fortunate enough to lead some of the most outstanding and humble folks and the ideas of the book has helped me to make a small difference in their lives. I'll share key concepts of the book in a few posts.

Intimacy is the experience of ownership. Intimacy is at the heart of competence. It has to do with understanding, with believing, and with practice. It has to do with the relationship to one's work.

Our companies can never be anything we ourselves do not want to be. Intimacy with our work directly affects our accountability and results in personal authenticity. A key component of intimacy is passion.

Beliefs are connected to intimacy. Beliefs come before policies or standards. Managers who have no beliefs but only understand methodology and quantification are modern day eunuchs. They can never engender competence or confidence. They never get seriously and accountably involved in their own work.

Intimacy breaks down when leaders:
  • Cannot provide continuity and momentum
  • Find complexity where simplicity ought to be
  • Encumber people rather than empower them
"Being an effective department supervisor on a manufacturing floor is fundamentally different from giving seminars about it"

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