Monday, October 22, 2018

Leadership is an Art - Communication

The book Leadership is an Art by Max De Pree, is the single book that has had profound influence on my leadership style. I'm fortunate enough to lead some of the most outstanding and humble folks and the ideas of the book has helped me to make a small difference in their lives. I'll share key concepts of the book in a few posts.

The best way to communicate common bonds and values is through behavior. Good communication is not simply sending and receiving. The best communication forces you to listen.

The right to know is basic. It is better to err on the side of sharing too much information rather than risk leaving someone in the dark. Communication must be based on logic, compassion, and sound reasoning
Plato said that society cultivates whatever is honored there:
  • Communication plays vital role to pass on values to new members and reaffirm those values to old hands

There may be no single thing more important in our efforts to achieve meaningful work and fulfilling relationships than to learn and practice the art of communication

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