Friday, May 26, 2023

Who moved my proxy?

On my morning walk I listened to Seth Godin on Tim Ferris's latest episode on his podcast. When Seth talks (or blogs), there is a nugget of advice in nearly every sentence and this podcast was no different. However, what stuck to me was the discussion around "false proxy". 

Proxies are something that are easier to measure and a close approximation to something that is hard to measure (Ex: Weight/BMI as a measure of health, using ranking as a proxy to decide to buy a book, using reviews as a proxy to select a good restaurant etc.,). While they all make sense, it could become a problem if we elevate the proxy and get obsessed with making the proxy look good and completely forgetting to improve the real thing we wanted to improve.

I could clearly see a lot of false proxies all around:

  • Processes that have been degenerated by measuring things that won't make any meaningful difference to the org or the customer the org is serving.
  • Continuations of certain roles which are no more relevant, but makes one feel good about something just because the role exists
  • Bureaucratic/centralized controls that stifle creativity and pace but makes someone creating such things to feel good
  • Measuring cost over value
  • Various employee engagement surveys that someone believes will give an accurate picture of what people feel in the trenches
  • Meetings and more meetings to measure progress

Many of these will start with all good intentions, but usually outlive their relevance and gets continued only because someone can feel important and have a sense of contribution. 

Even at a personal level it is easy to fall into the trap of measuring what's easy to measure and forget the core reasons of our being:
  • Expensive gifts as a proxy to show love
  • Expensive exercising gadgets to believe we are progressing toward our health goals
  • #books read as a proxy to knowledge/wisdom
  • #meetings attended/set-up as a proxy to productivity

What are some of the proxies you are stuck with? If you have come out of them, how did you do that?

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

What RamP's Reading: Jun'21


Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems
Microservice technologies are moving quickly, and this revised edition gets you up to date with a new chapter on serverless and cloud-native applications, expanded coverage of user interfaces, more hands-on code examples, and other additions throughout the book. Author Sam Newman provides you with a firm grounding in the concepts while diving into current solutions for modeling, integrating, testing, deploying, and monitoring your own autonomous services. You'll follow a fictional company throughout the book to learn how building a microservice architecture affects a single domain.

Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder
Just as human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension, and rumors or riots intensify when someone tries to repress them, many things in life benefit from stress, disorder, volatility, and turmoil. What Taleb has identified and calls “antifragile” is that category of things that not only gain from chaos but need it in order to survive and flourish. Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the bestselling author of The Black Swan and one of the foremost thinkers of our time, reveals how to thrive in an uncertain world.

Persuadable : How Great Leaders Change Their Minds to Change the World
Drawing on evidence from social science, history, politics, and more, business consultant Al Pittampalli reveals why confidence, consistency, and conviction,are increasingly becoming liabilities—while humility, inconsistency, and radical open-mindedness are powerful leadership assets. Pittampalli doesn’t just explain why you should be persuadable. Distilling cutting edge research from cognitive and social psychology, he shows you precisely how. Rife with actionable advice, Persuadable is an invaluable guide for today’s data-driven, results-oriented leader.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Type of task and the effort needed

 Often times we spend disproportionate amount of time on tasks that are non-value adding (wordsmithing a trivial mail, getting to precise numbers accurate to 2nd or 3rd decimal when a whole number would just do, take attention to detail to extremes on marginal tasks etc.,). Opposite is also true - that we spend very little time on high impact tasks (create shabby slide decks, convey incorrect/ambiguous data, forget target audience etc.,), most often due to lack of time (perhaps coming in from lack of prioritising). Heck, most of the times, we may not even be aware of relative impact of the task on hand to even apply some heuristic to decide how much effort to spend or what constitutes 'good enough'.

I found the following model very simple, actionable and profound (courtesy @shreyas).

Are you spending enough time on tasks that has high leverage?

Sunday, May 2, 2021

What RamP's Reading: May'21


Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life
We are living through a crisis of distraction. Plans get sidetracked, friends are ignored, work never seems to get done. Why does it feel like we're distracting our lives away? In Indistractable, behavioural designer Nir Eyal shows what life could look like if you followed through on your intentions. Instead of suggesting a digital detox, Eyal reveals the hidden psychology driving you to distraction, and teaches you how to make pacts with yourself to keep your brain on track. Indistractable is a guide to making decisions and seeing them through. Empowering and optimistic, this is the book that will help you design your time, realise your ambitions, and live the life you really want.

Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success
A few common principles drive performance, regardless of the field or the task at hand. Whether someone is trying to qualify for the Olympics, break ground in mathematical theory or craft an artistic masterpiece, many of the practices that lead to great success are the same. In Peak Performance, Brad Stulberg, a former McKinsey and Company consultant and writer who covers health and the science of human performance, and Steve Magness, a performance scientist and coach of Olympic athletes, team up to demystify these practices and demonstrate how you can achieve your best.

The Passion Paradox: A Guide to Going All In, Finding Success, and Discovering the Benefits of an Unbalanced Life
Common advice is to find and follow your passion. A life of passion is a good life, or so we are told. But it's not that simple. Rarely is passion something that you just stumble upon, and the same drive that fuels breakthroughs—whether they're athletic, scientific, entrepreneurial, or artistic—can be every bit as destructive as it is productive. Yes, passion can be a wonderful gift, but only if you know how to channel it. If you're not careful, passion can become an awful curse, leading to endless seeking, suffering, and burnout.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

What RamP's Reading: Apr'21


How Innovation Works
Matt Ridley argues that we need to see innovation as an incremental, bottom-up, fortuitous process that happens as a direct result of the human habit of exchange, rather than an orderly, top-down process developing according to a plan. Innovation is crucially different from invention, because it is the turning of inventions into things of practical and affordable use to people. It speeds up in some sectors and slows down in others. It is always a collective, collaborative phenomenon, involving trial and error, not a matter of lonely genius. It still cannot be modelled properly by economists, but it can easily be discouraged by politicians. Far from there being too much innovation, we may be on the brink of an innovation famine.

Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know
The bestselling author of Give and Take and Originals examines the critical art of rethinking: learning to question your opinions and open other people's minds, which can position you for excellence at work and wisdom in life

The Psychology of Money
Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness doing well with money isn’t necessarily about what you know. It’s about how you behave. And behavior is hard to teach, even to really smart people. How to manage money, invest it, and make business decisions are typically considered to involve a lot of mathematical calculations, where data and formulae tell us exactly what to do. But in the real world, people don’t make financial decisions on a spreadsheet. They make them at the dinner table, or in a meeting room, where personal history, your unique view of the world, ego, pride, marketing, and odd incentives are scrambled together. In the psychology of money, the author shares 19 short stories exploring the strange ways people think about money and teaches you how to make better sense of one of life’s most important matters.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Setting up a GCC: Cultural Sensitivity

 This might not be an immediate challenge but becomes important as the India Center grows. While this could be a huge topic in itself, the following are two major ones that will impact the quality of communication between India and other sites. 

·      have High Context (indirect, rely more non-verbal communication, relationship-oriented), 

·      exhibit High power-distance (automatically respect and value elders and higher-ranked people, hierarchy conscious)


Both these means dropping hints, having difficulty to say NO to seniors, long conversations and/or email before coming to the point etc., Further people do not easily speak up, but tend to sulk later. Most people are uncomfortable talking about their contributions and even have difficulty accepting sincere compliments (though they’d be yearning for recognition!). Even seasoned experts tend to keep quiet unless specifically asked to weigh-in. Many people take a lot of time to open up and express their true feelings/opinions.


Couple of best practices are:

  • Arrange a formal “cultural sensitivity” training for people on both sides
  • Make expectations and assumptions clear
  • Go first, Go positive, Assume noble intent on everyone’s part and give more benefit of doubt
  • Periodically review the need, cadence and duration of every meeting across the globe (people may resent too many evening calls but may not tell due to cultural norms discussed above!)


Good to know:

  • The DEIB issues in India has a different flavour than what is seen in the western world. Assuming it is the same and expecting people to participate in similar ways (on initiatives) usually would make people annoyed.
  • Most people in India accept working outside the standard office hours to interact with their counter parts on the other side of the globe. However, we need to strike a right balance (of having people involved and #meetings outside standard hours)

Monday, March 1, 2021

Setting up a GCC: Setting up the India center for success

Assuming that the setting-up activities are done and that the GCC has become operational, it  is critical that the leadership team sets clear expectations to the team in India and set them up for long term success. A great Site Leader who acts “in spirit” as the CEO or the founder for the GCC, can make it lot easier for the parent team. Some best practices include:

  • Immersive induction training for the senior people, at the parent company where they learn about the business, technology and customers and get to know senior execs and the key people they’d be working with.
  • Setting up a 30day and 90day goals and set-up a regular quarterly review of the performance of the site (this is outside of the standard program review meetings and other agile ceremonies). Arriving at site maturity matrix and setting goals to move to highest levels can really work wonders.
  • Set-up a Board of Directors (possibly outside of the legal requirement), made up of key stakeholders. This group should meet regularly as a small team (different from the quarterly meetings mentioned above) and have the Site Leader talk about goals, challenges and the help-needed, and the board could offer their perspective and guidance. I’ve seen that this idea creating a strong bond, help build commitment and help succeed beyond what is merely expected.
  • Allocate considerable budget for travel (both from India and to India) of key stakeholders. Have the India leaders actively participate in strategy and other such meetings, where appropriate. 
  • Encourage senior technical and management leads in the India center to actively participate and contribute to company-wide initiatives.
  • Do not restrict the India center to mere execution, and provide opportunities to contribute for architectures, long term plans, idea generation and innovation. This helps both to unlock the immense potential and also to retain people.
  • To fully utilize the potential of the GCC, it is important to grow other functions too (Product, Services, Customer Success) especially after the engineering team mature. Some even move sales backend, IT and such functions too.

Good to know:

  • Expanding work to low cost centers invariably creates anxiety and insecurity amongst a few and it has the potential to derail the broad objectives. It is essential that everyone in the parent company be upfront briefed about the reasons for opening an India center and possibly allay their fears.
  • While India has made rapid progress on technology front, there still exists several 3rd world challenges. Further, there are certain cultural aspects (see next section) that mandates certain changes to be made in the way people (in the parent company) work. Leads and managers leading people in India, might need specific training on managing people remotely.
  • Too much matrix management during the initial days makes life difficult for people on both sides. It is better to have only the Site Leader report directly to the parent organization. Even folks in support functions like HR, finance etc., should have only dotted line reporting to their functional heads in the parent company, atleast till the site attains certain maturity level.