Friday, June 5, 2009

The 10 most common failures of bad leaders

In HBR Jun 2009, Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman presents the ten fatal flaws that derails the leaders, after analysis over 11,000 360-degree appraisals:
  1. Lack energy and enthusiasm
  2. Accept their own mediocre performance
  3. Lack clear vision and direction
  4. Have poor judgement
  5. Don't collaborate
  6. Don't follow the standards they set for others
  7. Resist new ideas
  8. Don't learn from mistakes
  9. Lack interpersonal skills
  10. Fail to develop others
If you are a leader (all of us should be leaders anyways), start counting your flaws (note that the authors warn that the bad leaders were unaware of their flaws) and talk to your mentor(s( for corrective actions.

Thank you very much,


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