Saturday, December 13, 2008

Reading list for Dec'08

December typically has several holidays and its my catch-up time with books. However, this year its tough due to commitments both on personal and professional sides.

Experience Economy: Work is theatre & every business a stage
According to Joe Pine and Jim Gilmore, authors, there are four levels of value starting with raw-materials economy at the base. Next up, the goods economy. Then, the services economy, and at the top of the totem pole is the experience economy. Examples of two companies that are reaping rewards by playing in the experience economy are Starbucks and Harley Davidson. Starbucks is not in the business of selling cups of coffee but is in the business of selling an experience referred to as the “third-place” between home and work where customers can find refuge, unwind, chat and connect with one another. Harley Davidson is not in the business of selling motorbikes but is in the business of selling an experience that Harley calls the “Rebel Lifestyle”. This book is continuation of my recent interest in economics.

The Pixar Touch: The making of a company
I'm a student of innovation. Infact I make a living by convincing my bosses that my core competance is to "facilitate impact through innovation". Nothing gives better education than studying firms that became successful through technological innovation. Pixar is one such company whose technical innovation revolutioned animation. Its also a story of company that began with a dream, remained true to the ideals of its founders—antibureaucratic and artist driven—and ended up a multibillion-dollar success. Want even more incentive to read? Steve Jobs too was associated with this company.

iCon Steve Jobs: The greatest second act in the history of Business
Apple Inc, holds a special place for anyone that worships design, I'm not an exception. I salivate of the thought of having my own MacBook sometime. I have seen so many presentations by Steve Jobs in an attempt to improve my own presentation skills. I hope to gain insights into Steve Jobs way by reading this book.

iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon
Steve Wozniak is considered to be an engineer's engineer. In this book the low profile Wozniak tells his story and corrects some information which is wrong - for example it has been chronicled that Jobs and Woz built the first Apple computer, but its only Woz who did it. This month's reading would be incomplete without reading about Woz.

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