Saturday, July 20, 2019

Are you chasing mice or hunting an antelope?

Found this analogy very powerful:

Here's a brilliant illustration to explain the need to focus on the big things and let the little stuff slide: the analogy of the field mice and the antelope. A lion is fully capable of capturing, killing, and eating a field mouse. But it turns out that the energy required to do so exceeds the caloric content of the mouse itself. So a lion that spent its day hunting and eating field mice would slowly starve to death. A lion can’t live on field mice. A lion needs antelope. Antelope are big animals. They take more speed and strength to capture and kill, and once killed, they provide a feast for the lion and her pride. A lion can live a long and happy life on a diet of antelope. The distinction is important. Are you spending all your time and exhausting all your energy catching field mice? In the short term it might give you a nice, rewarding feeling. But in the long run you’re going to die.

So ask yourself at the end of each day "Did I spend today chasing mice or hunting antelope"

(taken from the book: Buck up, Suck Up ...... and Come back when you Foul Up: 12 Winning Secrets From The War Room)

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