Friday, February 9, 2018

Food for thought for the Weekend (10-Feb-2018): Being Assertive, Rebooting the career, Conspiracy theory etc.,

Food for thought for the Weekend: My series where I present assorted collection of interesting blog posts, TED talks, podcast and articles I read/listened this week, some quotes that resonated with me, excerpts from my own reading.

  • Organizations aren't families and leaders aren't parents: I cringe when people use "family like" atmosphere to describe their teams (or when someone bemoans that the atmosphere isn't like a "family"). I get annoyed at people expecting their leaders to act like parents (or when leaders want to act like one!). We work with adults and my personal preference is to treat everyone like a adult and have only adult-to-adult conversations. In this article, leadership guru Don Rockwell has a lively debate on the topic. 

  • Did MH370 airplane really disappear or someone cleverly made it look like one?: As an aviation enthusiast, I'm intrigued by the mystery surrounded by the disappearance of MH370. Jeff Wise, an ex-pilot has been spending a lot of time trying to unravel the mystery and believes that someone manipulated the RADAR data to make it look like a ghost flight that got lost. His blog hss full of mathematics on possible areas that the plane might have hit the sea, and other scientific analysis of debris that washed ashore etc., that find very fascinating. 

  • Reboot your career this yearSadhguru answers a question about taking a rebirth in your career, business or life, and the qualities necessary to make the “transition” successful. 

Have a great weekend.

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