Friday, August 11, 2017

Food for thought for the Weekend (12-Aug-17)

Food for thought for the Weekend: My series where I present assorted collection of interesting blog posts, TED talks, podcast and articles I read/listened this week, some quotes that resonated with me, excerpts from my own reading.

1. "Jeff Immelt: Things I Learned" - Jeff Immelt just retired as the CEO of GE. In his last blog post to GE employees, he shared a few things he learned as a leader. Emphasising that learning is a part of every leader's DNA and asking everyone to not stop learning, he lists some pearls of wisdom - must read.

2. "Sheryl Sandberg: Develop Your Voice Not Your Brand" - Facebook's COO has some advice to all of us on how to pursue a meaningful and successful career. 

3. "Six things that Google teaches its Managers" - Transitioning from an individual contributor role into that of a managerial one is not easy. Google has researched this topic and has come up with a training. Interesting read for experienced managers too.

4. "MBTI: Psychiatrist defines 16 types, which one are you" - I had blogged about this previously, you may want to take a test and get some insights about yourself.

Advance wishes to my Indian and Indian origin colleagues on the account of 70th Independence day. Enjoy the (long) weekend.

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