Sunday, May 28, 2017

Life Audit

I'm not a big believer of Monday Morning Motivation. It is my (very) strong belief that if you need explicit motivation to get up on a Monday morning, there is something fundamentally wrong and one has to quickly act on it. I thought it might be a good idea instead to start some tough questions that'd help get focus. For starters, I've listed a set of questions what my mentor (who gave it to me) calls life audit. I religiously go thru them in Jun and Dec which has helped me dream more, keep me grounded and get my focus  back. Happy to share it here. 

1. How is my life working out?

2. How’s my daily attitude; how happy am I?

3. How are my relationships with my family, friends, co-workers, coaches and mentors?

4. How’s my health (weight, overall wellness, self-esteem, stress levels, etc.)?

5. How effectively am I feeding my mind? (How many books have I read in the last six months? What do I wish to become? Am I studying productively?)

6. How do I rate my lifestyle (my satisfaction with activities such as travel, exploring, attending fun events, etc.)?

7. Where is my income in comparison to where I want it to be?

8. How often do I give back to others?

9. How is my goal-setting? How satisfied am I with how my goals have manifested in my life?

You could rate each of this from 1-10 (1 being lowest) and start taking actions for those that have low scores.

Do you have a set of questions that you refer regularly to keep you focussed? Would love to hear them.

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