Saturday, December 31, 2016

How Valuing Your Current Position Helps You Achieve Your Ideal Role

Extraordinary employees sit up at any table, whether it’s the one they’re serving at a local diner or the one in the boardroom they’re leading a presentation at.

We’re drawn to those who put their whole heart into their work, whether its serving coffee or running a billion dollar corporation.

The type of growth we crave doesn’t come from working the longest hours, inflating our own importance, or even years of patience. It comes from truly committing ourselves to, then outgrowing, a current role because more is brought than is required.

As human beings, we share an instinct to not want to work with bad tools, especially when the stakes are high. The reasons are understandable. We succumb to the temptation of waiting for the stars to align, so that we have the perfect conditions to shine, personally and professionally. We are seduced by the virtues of promotions and recognition; we can’t imagine that we may have missed an opportunity to create something remarkable by failing to recognize the value of the position we hold right now.

Liked it? That was an excerpt from this article with the same title.

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