Sunday, January 10, 2010

Year end retreat

I had planned for two weeks of vacation from 19-Dec to 3-Jan. Had planned a bunch of things. Things however went astray as my 85-year old grandma (who stays with us), fell down and had to be operated for a fracture on her thigh bone. It was quite tough (and still is) for both her and us due to her age. Luckily her general health is quite good, which helped. She is back home recovering. I was on hospital duty for all but last 4-5 days. Tending to her, hospital stay and everything else was a very humbling experience. Most of my reading for Dec-09 was done in the hospital nevertheless.

I managed a 3day stay in my village from Jan 1-3. I have half-yearly ritual around Jun and Dec of going over the goals that I had set for myself for the past half year, reflect and then set goals for the next year/half-year. It was also time to set some bigger goals keeping 2015 in mind (completed a fairly successful vision-2010 stuff). One of my mentor challenged me to go beyond setting goals and start thinking about the legacy I want to leave as I'm now over 40yrs. Spent enough time thinking about it. In the ideal world, vision 2015 should be derived from "life purpose", which in turn should result in goals for 2010. Its fairly tough thinking 15-20yrs ahead, but I did had a start.

I also read an extremely interesting and thought provoking book "Building the Bridge as you walk on it", which was more than relevant for the stuff I was doing. I plan to blog about the core ideas of this book going forward.

Wish you a great 2010.

Thank you very much,


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