Sunday, November 15, 2009

Stop the Excuses!!

Last month end, when I was reviewing the goals/tasks I had set for Oct and was setting goals/tasks for the month of Nov, I casually looked at all my goals/tasks for the year. I quickly realized that my "Say-Do" ratio is abysmal 50-60%. I knew it was never close to 100%, but didn't expect it to be so low either. I started contemplating the possible reasons for such a result. I realized that I've a few self-defeating patterns that are preventing me from keeping my commitments to myself. Further, I also realized I had made an "art" of explaining such patterns as a set of very believable excuses.Though I take pride in taking complete responsibility for all my actions and not blame people or circumstances, I myself had started believing some of these patterns as reality.

I was in Forum Mall a couple of weeks ago and while the kids were enjoying their pizzas, I excused myself for a 5 minute dash to Landmark bookstore. There, I accidentally noticed this book titled "Stop The Excuses: how to change lifelong thoughts". And what more, it was written by one of my favourite author - Dr. Wayne Dyer. I immediately bought and completed reading it too.

BTW, if you read books like "Law of Attraction", "Secret", "Ask and it shall be given", you are likely to believe that my noticing this particular book was not just a coincidence, but I attracted the same to my life, as the world got itslef arranged that way. May be, may not be (I've read these books). I thought of sharing the outline of the book, as most of us do have one or two thinking patterns that would be preventing us from living at the highest levels of success, happiness and health. May be this post would inspire you to read the book.

In the first part of the book, Dr. Dyer gives a lot of examples based on scientific advances that one can indeed change old habits. He talks of two minds - the conscious one (or the creative mind) and the unconscious one (or the habitual mind), which is typically blamed for several limiting habits. He urges the reader to choose rather than excuse and asserts that one can instantly reprogram and direct the life.

Next comes the most interesting part - the catalog of excuses. He has provided with a list of often heard 18 excuses (It will be difficult, It is risky, Its not my nature, I can't afford it, I'm not strong/smart enough, I'm too old/young, I'm too busy etc.,).

In the second Part, Dr. Dyer offers 7 principles to to Stop the Excuses! These principles are: Awareness, Alignment, Now, Contemplation, Willingness, Passion and Compassion. Each chapter has exercises that would help to put these principles into practice.

The third and the final part offers 7 questions and exercises thereof, which together offers a new way of looking at changing the old thinking habits. Once you have gone through the questions and possible answers it appears fairly simple to get out the habits that are limiting the growth.

Here is the brief summation of Stop the Excuses! paradigm, with a short response to each of the seven questions (taken verbatim from page 253):

1. Is it true? Probably not.
2. Where did the excuses come from? I allowed them.
3. What's the payoff? I get to avoid risks and stay the same.
4. What would my life look like if I couldn't use these excuses? I'd be free to be myself.
5. Can I create a rational reason to change? Easily.
6. Can I access universal cooperation in shedding old habits? Yes, by simply aligning with my Source of Being.
7. How can I continuously reinforce this new way on being? By being vigilant.

Dr. Dyer believes in the power of affirmations and as such offer over 30 affirmations throughout the book. Overall it was an interesting read that made me think. I have started experimenting the principle to remove one of my favourite excuse. Let me see how it goes.

Thank you very much,


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